Message from Professor
The purpose of the research activities in our laboratory is to contribute
to the further development of optical telecommunication, optical signal
processing, optical memories, and optical sensing technologies, through
basic studies on advanced integrated photonic and optoelectronic devices.
The area of photonics and optoelectronics that aims at exploring new technological
possibilities by merging lasers with electronics, has already accomplished
remarkable developments as represented by the ubiquitous techniques such
as optical fiber network and optical disc memories, and is now one of the
core subareas of modern electronics. On the other hand, considering the
fact that light is recognized as photons based on the quantum theory, only
a limited part of the properties of photons has been utilized for engineering
applications. There still exist plenty of interesting basic problems that
have not been fully clarified and application possibilities to be developed.
Thus the photonics and optoelectronics are a very important and attractive
research area, where further developments and continuous innovations are
required in the modern society supported by the advanced information infrastructures.
It is needless to say that the integration technologies are essential for
implementation of practical photonic and optoelectronic devices that exhibit
novel functions and high performances beyond the limitations of electronic
devices. Based on this point of view, our laboratory has continues research
work on integrated-optic devices for several decades. Research work is
organized for implementation of a variety of optical integrated circuits
and integrated photonic devices for specific applications in various area,
through proposal of device construction, theoretical analysis, device design
and simulation, and experimental demonstration of the possibilities. Our
laboratory is equipped with many facilities and apparatus including those developed originally by ourselves, and most part of the
device fabrication process and experiments can be performed efficiently
within our laboratory.
Currently we are performing research work with emphasis on waveguide nonlinear-optic devices and integrated semiconductor lasers using quantum nanostructures. We are also extending theoretical and experimental studies on gQuantum Photonic Devicesh, that enable manipulation of individual photon, as a pioneering research work aiming at applications to the future quantum information technology. We would like to develop our research work further by implementation of advanced and innovative devices and exploring new applications toward the quantum optoelectronics for next generation.
iProfessor Toshiaki SUHARAj |