Publication 2013
International papers Only |
Papers |
T.Inoue and T.Suhara, “Fabrication of MgO:LiNbO3 domain-inverted structures with short period and application to electro-optic Bragg deflection modulator,” IEICETrans. Electron., vol.E97-C, No.**, pp.***-***, 2014.
大森豊,栖原敏明, “通信波長帯用Ti拡散MgO:LiNbO3チャネル両偏波光導波路の作製と特性評価,” レーザー研究, vol.31, No.5, pp.***-***, 2014.
A.Saha, M.Uemukai and T.Suhara, “InGaAs circular-grating-coupled surface emitting laser with focusing function fabricated by electron-beam writing with circular scanning, ” Opt. Rev., vol. 21, no. 3, pp.****-****, 2014.
田中圭祐,栖原敏明,“表面活性化接合とイオンスライシングを用いたMgO:LiNbO3薄膜結晶導波路の作製,” レーザー研究, vol.41, No.12, pp.1022-1026, 2013.
E.Kitado, M. Fujimura, and T. Suhara , “Ultraviolet laser writing of ferroelectric-domain-inverted gratings for MgO:LiNbO3 waveguide quasi-phase-matching devices,” Appl. Phys. Express, vol.6, 102204-1-3, 2013.
T. Suzuki and T. Suhara, “Fabrication of 〜1?m period poled structures in MgO:LiNbO3 by bipolar pulse application,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.52, 100204-1-3, 2013.
井上敏之, 栖原敏明, “MgO:LiNbO3周期分極反転構造電気光学ブラッグ偏向型1次元空間光変調器,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌C Vol.J96-C, No.4, pp.47-54, 2013. |
Papers |
栖原敏明, “オープニングリマーク:分極反転デバイスの歴史と新展開,” 第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, シンポジウム フロンティアを標榜する分極反転デバイス、18p-F8-1 (2014-03).
瀬尾広嗣, 大森豊,栖原敏明, “通信波長帯用Ti拡散MgO:LiNbO3導波路型波長選択方向性結合器,” 第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 18a-F8-5 (2014-03).
田中圭祐, 栖原敏明: “表面活性化接合/イオンスライス/イオンエッチングシングによるMgO:LiNbO3薄膜結晶導波路の作製,” 第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 18a-F8-6 (2014-03).
A.Saha, M.Uemukai and T.Suhara, “Lasing characteristic of InGaAs circular-grating- coupled surface emitting laser with focusing function,” 第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 18p-F9-13 (2013-03).
藤本拓也, 井上敏之, 栖原敏明: “表面活性化接合MgO:LiNbO3/SiO2/Au/LiNbO3薄板導波路における1?m級周期分極反転構造の作製,” 平成25年秋季第74回応用物理学会学術講演会, 19p-A8-6 (2013-09). |
国際会議 英語ページではConference Papers
T.Inoue and T.Suhara, “Electro-optic polarization conversion type modulator for short wavelength light using periodically poled MgO:LiNbO3,” 18th Micropotics Conference (MOC2013), G6, Tokyo, Oct.27-30, 2013.
K.Tanaka and T.Suhara, “Fabrication of MgO:LiNbO3 thin film ridge waveguide by surface surfaced-activated bonding and ion slicing,” 18th Micropotics Conference (MOC2013), H68, Tokyo, Oct.27-30, 2013.
T.Suhara, “Integrated quantum entangled photon generation devices uing quasi-phase matched nonlinear waveguides,” (Invited Paper) Int. Workshop on New Sci. and Tech. Using Entangled Photons, NSTEP2013, Osaka, July 8-9, 2013.
M.Fujimura, E.Kitado, and T.Suhara, “UV laser writing with 2-step voltage application to form MgO:LiNbO3 domain-inverted gratings for waveguide QPM devices,” Pacific Rim Conf. Laser & Electro-Optics, WPA-7, Kyoto, June 30- July 4, 2013.
T.Inoue and T.Suhara, “Fabrication of MgO:LiNbO3 domain-inverted structures with short period and application to electro-optic Bragg deflection modulator,” Pacific Rim Conf. Laser & Electro-Optics, WO4-3, Kyoto, June 60- July 4, 2013. |
Publication 2012
International papers Only |
Papers |
井上敏之, 栖原敏明, “MgO:LiNbO3周期分極反転構造電気光学ブラッグ偏向型1次元空間光変調器,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌C Vol.J96-C, No.4, pp.47-54, 2013.
A.Vijayakumar, M.Uemukai and T.Suhara, “Phase-shifted Fresnel zone lenses for photomixing generation of coherent THz wave,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.51, 070206-1-3, 2012.
K.Uenishi, M.Uemukai and T.Suhara, “Rotation-symmetric multispot focusing phase-shifted grating coupler for integrated semiconductor laser,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.51, pp.058001-1-2, 2012. |
Papers |
A.Saha, T.Sumitani, M.Uemukai and T.Suhara, “Design and fabrication of InGaAs quantum well circular-grating-coupled surface emitting laser, ” 第60回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 29a-B4-9 (2013-03).
井上敏之, 栖原敏明,“電子ビームリソグラフィ波板電極を用いたMgO:LiNbO3短周期分極反転構造の作製,” 第60回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 29a-B3-2 (2013-03).
田中圭祐, 栖原敏明, “表面活性化接合とイオンスライシングによるMgO:LiNbO3薄膜結晶導波路の作製,” 第60回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 29a-B3-1 (2013-03).
田中圭祐, 栖原敏明,“波長変換デバイスのための表面活性化接合とイオンスライシングによるMgO:LiNbO3薄膜結晶導波路の作製,” レーザー学会学術講演会第33回年次大会, F330p V 04 (2013-01).
大森豊,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明,“通信波長帯光子対発生デバイス用Ti拡散MgO:LiNbO3チャネル両偏波導波路の作製,” レーザー学会学術講演会第33回年次大会, F330p V 03 (2013-01).
井上和義, 栖原敏明, “MgO 8mol%添加一致溶融組成LiTaO3結晶における光通信波長帯擬似位相整合非線形光学デバイス用周期分極反転構造の作製,” レーザー学会学術講演会第33回年次大会, F330p V 02 (2013-01).
鈴木貴士, 栖原敏明,“波板電極を用いた正負パルス電圧印加によるMgO:LiNbO3 短周期分極反転構造作製の検討,” 平成24年秋季第73回応用物理学会学術講演会, 12p-C5-3 (2012-09).
M.Uemukai and T.Suhara, “Integrated two-wavelength DBR lasers for tunable photomixing THz-wave generation (Invited Paper),” European Conf. Integrated Optics (ECIO’12), Barcelona, Spain, April. 18-20 , 2012.
M.Okazaki, T.Chichibu, S.Yoshimoto, H.Mizuno and T.Suhara, “EO spatial UV-light modulator using periodically-poled deep-proton-exchanged s-LiTaO3 waveguide, ” European Conf. Integrated Optics (ECIO’12), paper #37, Barcelona, Spain, April. 18-20 , 2012. |
Publication 2011
International papers Only |
Papers |
K.Uenishi, M.Uemukai and T.Suhara, “Rotation-symmetric multisport focusing
phase-shifted grating coupler for integrated semiconductor laser,” Jpn. J. Appl.
Phys., vol.51, 2012.
S.Kakuno, M.Fujimura and T.Suhara, “Wavelength
tuning by temperature control in MgO-doped LiNbO3 waveguide
quasi-phase-matching twin photon generation device,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.,
vol.51, 030201-1-3, 2012.
M.Uemukai, H.Ishida, A.Ito, T.Suhara,
H.Kitajima, A.Watanabe and H.Kan, “Integrated AlGaAs Quantum-Well
Ridge-Structure Two-Wavelength DBR Laser for THz Wave Generation,” Jpn. J. Appl.
Phys., vol.51, 020205-1〜3, 2012.
M.Okazaki, S.Yoshimoto,T.Inoue, and
T.Suhra, “Electro-optic Bragg deflection modulator for UV laser light using
periodically poled MgO:s-LiTaO3,” IEEE Photon. Tech., Lett., vol.23,
No.22, pp.1709-1711, 2011.
M.Fujimura, E.Kitado, T.Inoue, and T.Suhara,
“MgO:LiNbO3 waveguide quasi-phase- matched second-harmonic generation
devices fabricated by 2-step voltage application under UV light,” IEEE Photon.
Tech., Lett., vol.23, No.18, pp.1313-1315, 2011.
T.Inoue, and T.Suhara,
“Electro-Optic Bragg deflection optical modulator using periodically poled
MgO:LiNbO3, ” IEEE Photon. Tech., Lett., vol.23, No.17, pp.1252-1254,
2011. |
Papers |
北戸英理, 藤村昌寿, 井上敏之, 栖原敏明,
“紫外照射下電圧印加分極反転MgO:LiNbO3導波路疑似位相整合第2高調波発生デバイスの作製と評価, ”
平成23年秋季第72回応用物理学会学術講演会, 1p-ZN-10 (2011-09).
多田聡一郎, 藤村昌寿, 栖原敏明,
“ピロ燐酸マイクロプロトン交換増速エッチングによるLiNbO3リッジ光導波路作製,” 平成23年秋季第72回応用物理学会学術講演会,
1p-ZN-9 (2011-09).
上向井正裕, 伊藤明, 栖原敏明, “AlGaAs量子井戸リッジ型2 波長集積DBR レーザの試作とTHz
波発実験,” 平成23年秋季第72回応用物理学会学術講演会, 1p-ZL-8 (2011-09).
上西健吾, 上向井正裕, 栖原敏明,
“集積半導体レーザ用回転対称マルチスポット形成位相変調グレーティング結合器,” 平成23年秋季第72回応用物理学会学術講演会, 1p-ZL-7
M.Uemukai and T.Suhara, “Integrated two-wavelength DBR lasers for tunable
photomixing THz-wave generation (Invited Paper),” European Conf. Integrated
Optics (ECIO’12), Barcelona, Spain, April. 18-20 , 2012.
M.Okazaki, T.Chichibu, S.Yoshimoto, H.Mizuno and T.Suhara, “EO
spatial UV-light modulator using periodically-poled deep-proton-exchaged
s-LiTaO3 waveguide, European Conf. Integrated Optics
(ECIO’12), Barcelona, Spain, April. 18-20 , 2012.
T.Suhara, M.Fujimura
and M.Uemukai, “Integrated quantum photonic devices,” The 3rd Global COE
International Symposium on Electronic Devices Innovation, Proc. P-14,
pp.139-142, Senri Life Science Center, Toyonaka, Osaka, Dec.16−17,
M.Okazaki, S.Yoshimoto, T.Inoue, and T.Suhara, “Electro-Optic Bragg
deflection modulator for UV laser light using periodically poled
MgO:s-LiTaO3,” 17-th Microoptics Conference (MOC’11), L-5, Sendai,
Oct.30-Nov.2, 2011, 2011.
T.Inoue, and T.Suhara, “Electro-Optic Bragg
deflection optical modulator using periodically poled MgO:LiNbO3,”
17-th Microoptics Conference (MOC’11), L-4, Sendai, Oct.30-Nov.2, 2011,
2011. M.Fujimura, E.Kitado, T.Inoue, and T.Suhara, “MgO:LiNbO3
waveguide SHG devices with domain- inverted gratings formed by 2-step volgtage
application under UV light,” 17-th Microoptics Conference (MOC’11), H-15,
Sendai, Oct.30-Nov.2, 2011, 2011.
M.Uemukai, A.Ito, T.Suhara,
H.Kitajima, A.Watanabe and H.Kan, “Demonstration of integrated AlGaAs
quantum-well ridge-structure two-wavelength DBR laser for THz Wave generation,”
17-th Microoptics Conference (MOC’11),D-4, Sendai, Oct.30-Nov.2, 2011,
M.Fujimura, E.Kitado, T.Inoue, and T.Suhara, “MgO:LiNbO3
waveguide second-harmonic generation devices with domain-inverted gratings
formed by 2-step voltage application under UV light,” Int. Conf. Solid State
Devices and Materials, I-3-4, pp.1151−1152, Nagoya, Sept.28-29,
T.Suhara, “Waveguide quantum photonic devices,” Sixth Photonics
Center Symposium Nanophotonics in Asia 2011, pp.28-29, Shima Kanko Hotel
Classic, Sept.20-21, 2011.
“導波型非線形光学量子フォトニックデバイス(招待講演),” 電子情報通信学会 第3回集積光デバイスと応用技術研究会, ―集積光デバイス技術の歩みと応用-現在・過去・未来―
IPDA12-14, pp.99-104, 逗子市, 2012年2月2〜3日.
“周期分極反転MgO:LiNbO3を用いた電気光学ブラッグ偏向型光変調器,” 電子情報通信学会技術報告, vol.111, No.412,
pp.327-330, PN2011-81, OPE2011-197, LQE2011-183
“紫外照射下電圧印加分極反転MgO:LiNbO3導波路疑似位相整合第2高調波発生デバイス,” 電子情報通信学会技術報告, vol.111,
No.412, pp.323-326, PN2011-80, OPE2011-196, LQE2011-182 (2012-01).
上西健吾, 栖原敏明, “マルチスポット形成位相変調グレーティング結合器集積化GaInP量子井戸DBR レーザ,” 電子情報通信学会技術報告, vol.111,
No.412, pp.305-308, PN2011-76, OPE2011-192, LQE2011-178
栖原敏明,“非線形光学デバイスの進展(基調講演)”, 応用物理学会・量子エレクトロニクス研究会「非線形光学50年
その基礎と材料・デバイスおよび応用」, 上智大学軽井沢セミナーハウス 2011年12月9〜11日. |
Publication 2010
International papers Only |
Papers |
T.Suhara and M.Ohno, “Quantum theory analysis of counterpropagating twin photon generation by parametric downconversion,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol.46, No.12, pp.1739-1745, 2010. |
Papers |
藤村昌寿, 北戸英理, 井上敏之, 栖原敏明:
平成23年春季第58回応用物理学関連連合講演会, 25a-BF-3 (2011-03).
覺野重誠, 藤村昌寿, 栖原敏明:
平成23年春季第58回応用物理学関連連合講演会, 25a-BF-10 (2011-03).
井上敏之, 栖原敏明, 岡崎雅英:
“MgO:LiNbO3分極反転構造EOブラッグ偏向型光変調器の短波長光変調特性,” 平成23年春季第58回応用物理学関連連合講演会,
26a-KB-5 (2011-03).
上向井正裕, 伊藤明, 栖原敏明: “THz 波発生用AlGaAs 可変波長リッジ型2 波長集積DBR
レーザ,” 平成23年春季第58回応用物理学関連連合講演会, 26a-P5-8 (2011-03).
伊藤明, 上向井正裕, 栖原敏明:
“THz 波発生用AlGaAs 量子井戸2 波長集積DBR レーザーの波長可変化の検討,” レーザー学会学術講演会第31回年次大会, F310p V 01
多田聡一郎, 藤村昌寿, 栖原敏明:
レーザー学会学術講演会第31回年次大会, F209a V 04 (2011-01).
周期分極反転構造を用いた紫外レーザ光用電気光学ブラッグ偏向型変調器,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2010
(日本光学会年次学術講演会)10aD6 (2010-11).
誠,水野博文,栖原敏明:“電気光学ブラッグ偏向型光変調器用の薄型電圧印加構造の作製,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2010
(日本光学会年次学術講演会) 8pP15 (2010-11).
“MgO:LiNbO3周期分極反転構造を用いた電気光学ブラッグ偏向方光変調器,” 平成22年秋季第71回応用物理学会学術講演会,
16a-G-6, (2010-09).
“紫外照射2段階室温電圧印加によるMgO:LiNbO3周期分極反転構作製,” 平成22年秋季第71回応用物理学会学術講演会,
16p-G-3, (2010-09).
“結晶直接接合LiNbO3埋込プロトン交換導波路第2高調波発生デバイス, ” 平成22年秋季第71回応用物理学会学術講演会,
16p-G-6, (2010-09).
M.Uemukai, H.Ishida, A.Ito, T.Suhara, H.Kitajima, A.Watanabe and H.Kan,
“Integrated AlGaAs Quantum-Well Ridge-Structure Two-Wavelength DBR Laser
for THz Wave Generation,” 22nd IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference,
ISLC2010, TuC 4, Conference Digest pp.74-75, Kyoto, 27-29 September 2010.
藤村昌寿, 井上敏之, 栖原敏明:“紫外光下電圧印加によるMgO:LiNbO3 周期分極反転構造作製,”
応用物理学会励起ナノプロセス研究会, 第6回研究会, C-4 (2010-11).
上向井正裕,石田秀直,伊藤明,栖原敏明: “THz
波発生用AlGaAs 量子井戸リッジ型2 波長集積DBR レーザ,” 電子情報通信学会技術報告, OPE2010-15, LQE2010-17, pp.3-6
(2010-06). |
Publication 2009
International papers Only |
Papers |
M. Fujimura and T. Suhara:“Formation of MgO:LiNbO3 domain-inverted gratings by voltage application under UV light irradiation at room temperature,” Advances in OptoElectronics, Special Issue on Progress in Domain Engineered Photonic Materials, Volume 2008, Article ID 421054, 5 pages Hindawi Pub. Co., 2008.
M. Fujimura, K. Beniya and T. Suhara:“Buried annealed/proton-exchanged LiNbO3 waveguides fabricated with direct bonding technique,” Electron. Lett. vol.44, No.14, pp.856-857, 2008.
S.Kajita, M.Fujimura and T.Suhara, “LiNbO3 waveguide quasi-phase-matched highly nondegenerate twin photon generation device for heralded single photon source,” Jpn. J. Applied Phys., vol.49, *****, 2010.
T.Takaoka, M.Fujimura and T.Suhara, “Fabrication of ridge waveguide in LiNbO3 thin film crystal by proton-exchange accelerated etching,” Electronics Lett., vol.45, no.18, pp.940-941, 2009.
T.Suhara, G.Nakaya, J.Kawashima and M.Fujimura: “Quasi- phase matched waveguide devices for generation of postselection-free polarization-entangled twin photons,” IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., vol.21, No.15, pp.1096-1098, 2009.
J.Kawashima, M.Fujimura and T.Suhara:“Type-I quasi-phase-matched waveguide device for polarization-entangled twin photon generation,” IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., vol.21, No.9, pp.566-568, 2009.
栖原敏明,藤村昌寿: “偏波エンタングル光子対発生用導波路非線形光学デバイス,”レーザー研究, vol.37, No.4, pp.264-270, 2009.
S.Takushima, M.Uemukai and T.Suhara: “GaInP red distributed-Bragg-reflector laser integrated with phase-shifted grating coupler for multispot focusing,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.48, 030206, 2009.
T.Suhara: “Generation of quantum-entangled twin photons by waveguide nonlinear optic devices (Invited Review Paper),”Laser & Photon. Rev., DOI 10.1002/lpor.200810054, vol.3, No.4, pp.370-393, 2009. |
Papers |
石田秀直,上向井正裕,伊藤明,栖原敏明: "THz 波発生用AlGaAs 量子井戸リッジ型2 波長集積DBR レーザ,”平成22年春季第57回応用物理学関連連合講演会, 19p-E-10 (2010-03).
栖原敏明:“非線形光学デバイスによる量子光学機能実現の理論的基礎,”(招待チュートリアル講演) 平成22年春季第57回応用物理学関連連合講演会, 19p-A-7 (2010-03).
八木崇志,藤村昌寿, 林由樹雄,栖原敏明: “結晶直接接合LiNbO3埋込プロトン交換導波路第2高調波発生デバイス," 平成22年春季第57回応用物理学関連連合講演会, 19p-A-5 (2010-03).
八木崇志,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明: “結晶直接接合LiNbO3埋込プロトン交換導波路擬似位相整合第2高調波発生デバイスの作製と特性評価," レーザー学会学術講演会第30回年次大会, F33p V 002 (2010-02).
戸谷彰宏,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明: "絶縁液層を介した電圧印加によるMgO:LiNbO3擬似位相整合用周期分極反転構造の作製," Optics & Photonics Japan 2009 (日本光学会年次学術講演会) 24pP19, pp.162−193 (2009-11).
栖原敏明: “ドメイン反転LiNbO3導波路波長変換デバイスとその応用,” (財)光産業技術振興協会 フォトニックネットワーク新時代における産業・技術懇談会 平成21年度第2回公開討論会, 東京, 2009年7月23日.
T.Takaoka, M.Fujimura and T.Suhara, “Fabrication of ridge waveguide in LiNbO3 thin film crystal by proton-exchange accerelated etching,” The 15th Microoptics Conference, pp.242-243, J-60, Odaiba, Tokyo, Oct.25-28, 2009.
T.Suhara, G.Nakaya, J.Kawashima and M.Fujimura: “Quasi-phase matched waveguide devices for generation of postselection-free polarization-entangled twin photons,” The 14-th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference,TuJ3, Hong Kong, July 13-17, 2009.
栖原敏明: “分極反転と光導波路波長変換,”日本光学会(応用物理学会)第4回レーザーディスプレイ技術研究会〜レーザーディスプレイを支えるデバイスと応用〜, 大阪, 2009年7月30日. |
Publication 2008
International papers Only |
Papers |
M. Fujimura and T. Suhara:“Formation of MgO:LiNbO3 domain-inverted gratings by voltage application under UV light irradiation at room temperature,” Advances in OptoElectronics, Special Issue on Progress in Domain Engineered Photonic Materials, Volume 2008, Article ID 421054, 5 pages Hindawi Pub. Co., 2008.
M. Fujimura, K. Beniya and T. Suhara:“Buried annealed/proton-exchanged LiNbO3 waveguides fabricated with direct bonding technique,” Electron. Lett. vol.44, No.14, pp.856-857, 2008. |
Papers |
高岡竜也, 藤村昌寿, 栖原敏明, 吉野隆史, 山口省一郎:“プロトン交換増則エッチングによるLiNbO3薄膜結晶リッジ光導波路の作製,”平成21年春季第56回応用物理学関連連合講演会, 30a-B-10 (2009-03).
新木悠介,上向井正裕,栖原敏明: “高速熱処理無不純物空孔拡散によるAlGaAs量子井戸選択的無秩序化の検討,” レーザー学会学術講演会 第29回年次大会, 10pVI4 2009-01.
藤田雄介,上向井正裕,栖原敏明: “テラヘルツ波発生用AlGaAs量子井戸リッジ型DBR集積2波長レーザ,” レーザー学会学術講演会 第29回年次大会, 10pVI9 2009-01.
中谷豪太,栖原敏明,藤村昌寿: “LiNbO3導波路TypeU擬似位相整合2波長偏波エンタングル光子対発生デバイス,” レーザー学会学術講演会 第29回年次大会, 11aVI3, 2009-01.
川口健太郎,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明:“液体電極を用いた電圧印加によるMgO:LiNbO3週気分曲反転構造作製の検討,”平成20年秋季第69回応用物理学会学術講演会, 4p-ZN-4 (2008-09).
梶田将三,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明:“単一光子列発生用LiNbO3導波路Type I 擬似位相整合非縮退光子対発生デバイス,”平成20年秋季第69回応用物理学会学術講演会, 4p-ZN-17 (2008-09).
川島穣太郎,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明:“薄膜波長板挿入Type-I擬似位相整合LiNbO3導波路偏波エンタングル光子対発生デバイス,”平成20年秋季第69回応用物理学会学術講演会, 4p-ZN-18 (2008-09).
April 23 ? 25
多久島秀,上向井正裕,栖原敏明:“多焦点位相シフトグレーティングカップラ集積化GaInP赤色DBRレーザ,” 平成20年秋季第69回応用物理学会学術講演会, 2p-P3-13 (2008-09).
J. Kawashima, M. Fujimura and T. Suhara:“Type I Quasi-Phase-Matched Ti:LiNbO3 Waveguide Device for Polarization-Entangled Twin Photon Generation,” 3-rd International Laser, Light-Wave and Microwave Conference, 23-TP2-1, Yokohama, April 23-25 2008.
M. Uemukai, S. Ikeda and T. Suhara:“AlGaAs quantum well distributed Bragg reflector laser using surface curved grating” 3-rd International Laser, Light-Wave and Microwave Conference, 23-TP1-6, Yokohama, April 23-25 2008.
上向井正裕、藤田雄介、栖原敏明:“表面曲線グレーティングを用いた量子井戸分布ブラッグ反射型レーザ,”電子情報通信学会技術報告, vol.108, No.194, pp.69-74, EMD2008-45, CPM2008-60, OPE2008-75, LQE2008-44, (2008-08). |
Publication 2007
International papers Only |
Papers |
M.Fujimura, H.Okabe, K.Beniya and T.Suhara, “Waveguide quasi-phase matched sum-frequency generation device pumped by InGaAs laser diode for single-photon detection in communication wavelength band,”Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.46, No.9A, pp.5868-5870, 2007.
M.Fujimura, H.Tsuchimoto and T.Suhara, “Yb:LiNbO3 annealed / proton-exchanged waveguide lasers pumped by InGaAs laser diode at 980nm wavelength,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.46, No.8B, pp.5447-5449, 2007.
N.Horikawa, T. Tsubouchi, M.Fujimura and T.Suhara, “Formation of Domain-Inverted Grating in MgO:LiNbO3 by Voltage Application with Insulation Layer Cladding,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.46, No.8A, pp.5178-5180, 2007.
T.Suhara, H.Okabe and M.Fujimura, “Generation of polarization-entangled twin photons by type-II quasi-phase matched waveguide nonlinear-optic device,” IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., vol.19 No.14, pp.1093-1095, 2007.
M.Fujimura, H.Tsuchimoto and T.Suhara, “Yb-induffused LiNbO3 annealed / proton- exchanged waveguide lasers,”Electronics and Communications in Japan, Pt.2, vol.90, No.6, pp.10-17, 2007. |
Papers |
林由樹雄,紅谷和史,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明: “LiNbO3結晶直接接合による埋込みアニール・プロトン交換光導波路の作製と評価,” 平成20年春季第55回応用物理学関連連合講演会, 27a-ZF-2 (2008-03).
吉本周平,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明:“染色レジストマスク紫外光照射常温電圧印加によるMgO: LiNbO3周期分極反転構造の作製,”平成20年春季第55回応用物理学関連連合講演会, 27a-ZF-9 (2008-03).
川島穣太郎,林由樹雄,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明: “偏波エンタングル光子対発生用TypeI擬似位相整合LiNbO3導波路デバイス,” 平成20年春季第55回応用物理学関連連合講演会, 28p-ZG-3 (2008-03).
池田茂史,上向井正裕,栖原敏明:“1次結合表面曲線グレーティングを用いたAlGaAs量子井戸DBRレーザ,” 平成20年春季第55回応用物理学関連連合講演会, 29p-ZQ-6 (2008-03).
紅谷和史,林由樹雄,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明: “LiNbO3結晶直接接合による埋込みアニール・プロトン交換光導波路の作製,”レーザー学会学術講演会第28回年次大会,30aIV-11 (2008-01).
紅谷和史,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明: “光通信波長帯単一光子検出用LiNbO3埋込み導波路擬似擬似位相整合和周波発生デバイス,” Optics Japan 2007 (日本光学会年次学術講演会), 27aA3, pp.396-397 (2007-11).
吉本周平,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明:“紫外He-Cdレーザ光照射常温電圧印加によるMgO:LiNbO3周期分極反転構造の作製,”平成19年秋季第68回応用物理学会学術講演会, 5a-P5-7, (2007-09).
藤田雄介,上向井正裕,栖原敏明:“窓構造付き長チャネルGaInP量子井戸表面曲線DBRレーザ,”平成19年秋季第68回応用物理学会学術講演会, 8a-C-7, (2007-09).
池田茂史,上向井正裕,栖原敏明:“表面曲線グレーティングを用いたAlGaAs量子井戸DBRレーザの作製と評価,”平成19年秋季第68回応用物理学会学術講演会, 8a-C-8, (2007-09).
上向井正裕, 山田恭央,栖原敏明:“半導体レーザ励起蛍光バイオセンシング用表面放射赤色DBRレーザアレイ,”平成19年秋季第68回応用物理学会学術講演会, 8a-C-9, (2007-09).
M.Uemukai, Y.Yamada and T.Suhara, “Surface-emitting red DBR laser array for semiconductor laser-induced fluorescence biosensing,” Microoptic Conference, J5, pp.316-317, Takamatsu Kagawa, Oct.28-31, 2007.
M.Fujimura, H.Okabe, K.Beniya and T.Suhara, “Waveguide QPM-SFG device pumped by InGaAs laser diode for single photon detection in communication band,” Microoptic Conference, K3, pp.326-327, Takamatsu Kagawa, Oct.28-31, 2007.
M.Uemukai and T.Suhara: "High-efficiency distributed Bragg reflector laser with curved grating for squeezed light generation," (Invited Paper) the 7th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Pacific Rim 2007), COEX Convention Center, Seoul, Korea, ThA3-1, pp. 1381-1382, August 26-31, 2007.
T.Tsubouchi, N.Horikawa, M.Fujimura and T.Suhara, “Formation of MgO:LiNbO3 domain-inverted grating for quasi-phase matching by voltage application with insulation layer cladding,” OptoElectronics and Communication Conference International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fiber Communications, 12P-33, pp.518-519, Yokohama, July 9-13, 2007.
T.Suhara, “Waveguide quasi-phase-matched nonlinear-optic devices for photonic communications,” (Invited Paper) 2007 Japan-Italy Bilateral Workshop on Photonics for Communication, Technical Digest pp.5-8, Osaka, Japan, July 5-7, 2007.
T.Suhara, H.Okabe and M.Fujimura, “Generation of polarization-entangled twin photons by type-II QPM waveguide NLO device,” European Conf. Integrated Optics (ECIO'07), Copenhagen, Denmark, ThE2, April 25-27, 2007.
藤村昌寿,紅谷和史,栖原敏明: “光通信波長帯単一光子検出用導波路擬似擬似位相整合和周波発生デバイス,” 電子情報通信学会技術報告, vol.107, No.464, pp.123-128, LQE2007 -145, (2008-01). |
Publication 2006
International papers Only |
Papers |
上向井正裕, 野津俊介, 栖原敏明: "曲線グレーティングを用いたInGaAs量子井戸DBRレーザの高性能化,"電子情報通信学会論文誌 C, J89-C, No.12, pp.1097-1102, 2006.
藤村昌寿,土本秀和,栖原敏明: "Yb熱拡散添加LiNbO3アニール・プロトン交換導波路レーザ," 電子情報通信学会論文誌 C, vol.J89-C, No.11, pp.918-924, 2006.
T.Suhara and T.Nosaka: "Quantum theory analysis of loss effects in guided nonlinear-optic twin-photon generation," IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol.42, No.8, pp.777-784, 2006.
M.Uemukai, H.Miyamoto, Y.Yamada, Y.Sharma and T.Suhara: "Integration of surface-emitting red DBR laser and microfluidic structure for biomolecular sensing," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.45, No.8B, pp.6738-6741, 2006. |
Papers |
藤村昌寿, 栖原敏明:"紫外光照射下でのMgO:LiNbO3分極反転構造の形成,"平19春第54回応用物理学関連連合講演会, 28p-ZS-4 (2007-03).
坪内隆史,堀川信之,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明:"絶縁膜装荷加熱電圧印加法によるMgO:LiNbO3周期分極反転構造の作製," 平19春第54回応用物理学関連連合講演会, 29a-ZS-12 (2007-03).
坪内隆史,堀川信之,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明: "結晶加熱電圧引加MgO:LiNbO3周期分極反転構造作製の絶縁膜装荷による改善,"平成18年秋季第67回応用物理学会学術講演会, 30p-ZX-5, (2006-08).
堀川信之,坪内隆史,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明: "結晶加熱電圧引加MgO:LiNbO3周期分極反転構造作製の印加パルス間隔拡大による改善,"平成18年秋季第67回応用物理学会学術講演会, 30p-ZX-6, (2006-08).
岡部博明,紅谷和史,藤村昌寿,栖原敏明: "光通信波長帯単一光子検出用半導体レーザ励起導波型擬似位相整合和周波発生デバイス,"平成18年秋季第67回応用物理学会学術講演会, 30p-ZX-10, (2006-08).
栖原敏明: "半導体レーザの基礎," レーザー学会主催Laser Expo 2006 レーザー技術特別セミナー, Bコース, 横浜, 4/19-21, 講演予稿集, pp.B1-B8, 2006.
T.Suhara and M.Uemukai: "Integrated photonic devices using semiconductor quantum-well structures," The 3rd International Nanophotonice Symposium Handai: Nano Biophotonics Science & Technology, O-11, p.11, Osaka, July 6-8,2006.
M.Uemukai and T.Suhara: "Integration of surface-emitting red DBR laser and microfluidic structure for biomolecular sensing," The 3rd International Nanophotonice Symposium Handai: Nano Biophotonics Science & Technology, P-9, p.25, Osaka, July 6-8,2006.
M.Fujimura and T.Suhara: "Efficient quasi-phase-matched difference-frequency generation device with buried LiNbO3 waveguide for optical communication," The 3rd International Nanophotonice Symposium Handai: Nano Biophotonics Science & Technology, P-39, p.55, Osaka, July 6-8,2006.
M.Fujimura, H.Tsuchimoto and T.Suhara,"Yb:LiNbO3 annealed/proton-exchanged waveguide lasers pumped by InGaAs laser diode at 980nm wavelength," Microoptics Conference (MOC'06), A-3, pp.40-41, Seoul, Sept.10-14, 2006.
岡部博明, 藤村昌寿, 栖原敏明: "導波型Type-II擬似位相整合非線形光学デバイスによる偏波エンタングル光子対発生," 電子情報通信学会技術報告, vol.106, No.515, pp.1-6, PN2006-47, OPE2006-129, LQE2006-118, (2007-01). |
Publication 2005
International papers Only |
Papers |
T. Suhara and H. Kintaka, “Quantum theory analysis of twin-photon beams generated by parametric fluorescence,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron., Sept. 2005, to be published.
M. Uemukai, S. Nozu and T. Suhara, “High-efficiency InGaAs QW distributed Bragg reflector laser with curved grating for squeezed light generation,” IEEE J. Selected Topics Quantum Electron., vol. 11, no. 3, 2005, to be published.
M. Fujimura, H. Tsuchimoto and T. Suhara, “Yb-diffused LiNbO3 annealed/proton-exchanged waveguide lasers,” IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., vol.17, no.1, pp.130-132, 2005.
J. S. Selvan, M. Fujimura and T. Suhara, “Fabrication of Zn-indiffused LiNbO3 optical waveguides using ZnS as diffusion source,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 44, Pt. 1, no. 5A, pp.3075-3076, 2005. |
Papers |
S. Nozu, T. Ishida, M. Uemukai and T. Suhara, "Cascaded high-efficiency InGaAs QW DBR lasers for generation of quantum-correlated twin beams," Microoptics Conference (MOC'05), Tokyo, Nov. 2005, to be presented.
M.Uemukai, H.Miyamoto, Y.Yamada, Y.D.Sharma and T.Suhara,"Integration of surface-emitting red DBR laser and microfluidic structure for biomolecular sensing," Microoptics Conference (MOC'05), Tokyo, Nov. 2005, to be presented..
M.Fujimura, S.Yoshimoto and T.Suhara,"Application of photoconductive layer for improvement of domain-inverted grating formation in MgO:LiNbO3 by applying voltage under ultraviolet light," Microoptics Conference (MOC'05), Tokyo, Nov. 2005, to be presented.
T. Nosaka, B. K. Das, M. Fujimura and T. Suhara, "Fabrication and characterization of cross-polarized twin photon generation device using quasi-phase matched LiNbO3 waveguide," Int’l Conf. on Quantum Electronics 2005 and Pacific Rim Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005 (IQEC/CLEO-PR 2005), CTuK2-2, Tokyo, July 2005.
H. Tsuchimoto, M. Fujimura and T. Suhara, "Design and fabrication of Yb-indiffused LiNbO3 annealed/proton-exchanged waveguide lasers," Int’l Conf. on Quantum Electronics 2005 and Pacific Rim Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005 (IQEC/CLEO-PR 2005), CTuK4-6, Tokyo, July 2005.
H. Miyamoto, M. Uemukai and T. Suhara, "GaInP quantum-well surface-emitting distributed-Bragg- reflector laser using curved gratings," Int’l Conf. on Quantum Electronics 2005 and Pacific Rim Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2005 (IQEC/CLEO-PR 2005), CWAB3-P19, Tokyo, July 2005. |
Publication 2004
International papers Only |
Papers |
K. Hamana, P. K. Das, O. Omachi, N. Shimada, M. Uemukai and T. Suhara, "GaInP/AlGaInP quantum well distributed Bragg reflector laser using surface curved grating," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 642-643, 2004.
T. Suhara and H. Kintaka, “Quantum theory analysis of twin-photon beams generated by parametric fluorescence,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron., Sept. 2005, to be published.
M. Uemukai, S. Nozu and T. Suhara, “High-efficiency InGaAs QW distributed Bragg reflector laser with curved grating for squeezed light generation,” IEEE J. Selected Topics Quantum Electron., vol. 11, no. 3, 2005, to be published.
M. Fujimura, H. Tsuchimoto and T. Suhara, “Yb-diffused LiNbO3 annealed/proton-exchanged waveguide lasers,” IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., vol.17, no.1, pp.130-132, 2005.
J. S. Selvan, M. Fujimura and T. Suhara, “Fabrication of Zn-indiffused LiNbO3 optical waveguides using ZnS as diffusion source,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 44, Pt. 1, no. 5A, pp.3075-3076, 2005.
M. Fujimura, T. Murayama and T. Suhara: “Quasi-phase-matched difference frequency generation devices with annealed/proton-exchanged LiNbO3 waveguides buried by reverse proton exchange,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 43, no. 12A, pp. L1543-L1545, 2004.
M. Uemukai, K. Kitano, N. Shimada and T. Suhara, “High-efficiency InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum well distributed Bragg reflector laser with curved grating,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 43, No. 8B, pp. 5918-5921, 2004.
J. S. Selvan, M. Fujimura and T. Suhara, “Fabrication of Zn-indiffused LiNbO3 optical waveguides by diffusing sol-gel spin-coated ZnO film at low-pressure atmosphere,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 43, Pt.1, No. 8A, pp. 5313-5315, 2004.
H. Kintaka and T. Suhara, "Parametric fluorescence generation in LiNbO3 quasi-phase-matched waveguide pumped by semiconductor laser," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 43, no. 5A, pp. 2545-2546, 2004.
P. K. Das, K. Hamana, O. Omachi, N. Shimada, M. Uemukai and T. Suhara, "InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum-well laterally-coupled distributed feedbacl laser," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 43, no. 5A, pp. 2549-2550, 2004. |
Papers |
M. Uemukai, S. Nozu and T. Suhara: “High-efficiency InGaAs QW distributed Bragg reflector laser with curved grating for squeezed light generation,” IEEE Int'l Semiconductor Laser Conf. (ISLC'04), ThP5, pp.83-84, Matsue, Sept.21-25, 2004.
M. Fujimura, H. Tsuchimoto and T .Suhara, “Yb-diffused LiNbO3 annealed/proton-exchanged waveguide lasers,” Microoptics Conference (MOC’04), G-6, p.66, Jena, Germany, Sept.1-3, 2004.
J. S. Selvan, M. Fujimura and T. Suhara, “Zn:LiNbO3 waveguide fabrication by diffusing sol-gel spin-coated ZnO film at low-pressure atmosphere,” Tech. Digest 9th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC2004), 14F4-2, pp.570-571, Yokohama, July 12-16, 2004.
M. Fujimura, T. Murayama and T. Suhara, “Quasi-phase-matched difference
frequency generation devices with annealed/proton-exchanged LiNbO3 waveguides
buried by reverse proton exchange,” Tech. Digest 9th OptoElectronics and
Communications Conference (OECC2004), 14F4-4, pp.574-575, Yokohama, July
12-16, 2004. |
Publication 2003
International papers Only |
Papers |
M. Uemukai, K. Kitano, N. Shimada and T. Suhara, "High-efficiency InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum well distributed Bragg reflector laser with curved grating," Microoptics Conference (MOC'03), M2, Tokyo, Oct. 29-31, 2003.
M. Fujimura, T. Sohmura and T. Suhara, "Fabrication of domain-inverted gratings in MgO:LiNbO3 by voltage application with ultraviolet light irradiation through photomask at room temperature," Microoptics Conference (MOC'03), J5, Tokyo, Oct. 29-31, 2003.
P. K. Das, K. Hamana, O. Omachi, N. Shimada, M. Uemukai and T. Suhara, "GaInP/AlGaInP quantum well distributed Bragg reflector laser using surface curved grating," Microoptics Conference (MOC'03), H34, Tokyo, Oct. 29-31, 2003.
H. Kintaka and T. Suhara, "Parametric fluorescence generation in LiNbO3 quasi-phase-matched waveguide pumped by semiconductor laser," Microoptics Conference (MOC'03), H33, Tokyo, Oct. 29-31, 2003.
T. Suhara, "Quantum Photonic Devices: Waveguide NLO devices and semiconductor lasers for generation of squeezed light and correlated twin photons (Invited Paper)," European Conf. Integrated Optics (ECIO'03), ThP1, pp. 73-84, Prague, April 1-4, 2003.
T. Suhara and M. Fujimura, "Quasi-phase-matched LiNbO3 waveguide nonlinear-optic devices for optical communication (Invited Paper)," The 1-st NIMS Conference: Material Solutions for Photonics, Tsukuba, II-2, pp. 27-28, March 17-19, 2003.
T. Suhara, M. Uemukai, N. Shimada and A. Larsson, "Broad area and MOPA lasers with integrated grating components for beam-shaping and novel functions (Invited Paper)," SPIE Photonic West, Optoelectronics 2003, paper 4995-05, Tech. Digest p. 394, San Jose California, 25-31 January 2003.
Conference Papers |
M. Uemukai, K. Kitano, N. Shimada and T. Suhara, "High-efficiency InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum well distributed Bragg reflector laser with curved grating," Microoptics Conference (MOC'03), M2, Tokyo, Oct. 29-31, 2003.
M. Fujimura, T. Sohmura and T. Suhara, "Fabrication of domain-inverted gratings in MgO:LiNbO3 by voltage application with ultraviolet light irradiation through photomask at room temperature," Microoptics Conference (MOC'03), J5, Tokyo, Oct. 29-31, 2003.
P. K. Das, K. Hamana, O. Omachi, N. Shimada, M. Uemukai and T. Suhara, "GaInP/AlGaInP quantum well distributed Bragg reflector laser using surface curved grating," Microoptics Conference (MOC'03), H34, Tokyo, Oct. 29-31, 2003.
H. Kintaka and T. Suhara, "Parametric fluorescence generation in LiNbO3 quasi-phase-matched waveguide pumped by semiconductor laser," Microoptics Conference (MOC'03), H33, Tokyo, Oct. 29-31, 2003.
T. Suhara, "Quantum Photonic Devices: Waveguide NLO devices and semiconductor lasers for generation of squeezed light and correlated twin photons (Invited Paper)," European Conf. Integrated Optics (ECIO'03), ThP1, pp. 73-84, Prague, April 1-4, 2003.
T. Suhara and M. Fujimura, "Quasi-phase-matched LiNbO3 waveguide nonlinear-optic devices for optical communication (Invited Paper)," The 1-st NIMS Conference: Material Solutions for Photonics, Tsukuba, II-2, pp. 27-28, March 17-19, 2003.
T. Suhara, M. Uemukai, N. Shimada and A. Larsson, "Broad area and MOPA lasers with integrated grating components for beam-shaping and novel functions (Invited Paper)," SPIE Photonic West, Optoelectronics 2003, paper 4995-05, Tech. Digest p. 394, San Jose California, 25-31 January 2003 |
Publication 2002
International papers Only |
Papers |
Y. Shigematsu, M. Fujimura and T. Suhara, "Fabrication of LiNbO3 TE/TM waveguides for 1.5mm wavelength band by Zn/Ni Diffusion in Low-Pressure Atmosphere," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 41, pt. 1, no. 7B, pp. 4825-4827, 2002.
M. Fujimura, Y. Tamura, T. Kodama and T. Suhara, "Fabrication and characterization of Er-diffused Ti:LiNbO3 waveguides lasers," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 41, pt. 1, no. 7B, pp. 4802-4805, 2002.
N. Shimada, K. Yutani, M. Uemukai, T. Suhara and A. Larsson, "Tunable external-cavity quantum-well laser using grating coupler integrated in selectively disordered waveguide," IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. E85-C, no. 1, pp. 79-84, 2002. |
Papers |
M. Uemukai, Y. Kunoh, N. shimada and T. Suhara, "InGaAs angled-grating distributed Bragg reflector lasers integrated with grating outcoupler for collimation," Int. Semiconductor Laser Conf., MC5, pp.27-28, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Sept.29-Oct.3, 2002.
P. Modh, J. Backlund, J. Bengtsson, A. Larsson, N. Shimada and T. Suhara, "Surface-emitting semiconductor lasers with multi-functional grating couplers," Int. Semiconductor Laser Conf., TuP6, pp.79-80, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Sept.29-Oct.3, 2002.
T. Suhara, "Wavelength conversion in quasi-phase matched LiNbO3 waveguide devices (Invited Paper)," 7-th Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC'02), 12C4-1, pp. 606-607, Yokohama, July 8-12, 2002. |
Publication 2001
International papers Only |
Papers |
T. Suhara and H. Ishizuki, "LiNbO3 waveguide quasi-phase matched sum-frequency generation interferometer device for ultrafast optical switching," IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 1203-1205, 2001.
N. Shimada, Y. Fukumoto, M. Uemukai, T. Suhara, H. Nishihara and A. Larsson, "Monolithic integration of laser and passive elements using selective QW disordering by RTA with SiO2 caps of different thichness," IEEE J. Selected Topics Quantum Electron., vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 350-354, 2001.
H. Ishizuki, T. Suhara, M. Fujimura and H. Nishihara:“Wavelength-conversion type picosecond optical switching using a waveguide QPM SHG/DFG device,” Opt. Quantum Electron., vol. 33, pp. 953-961, 2001.
S.Ura, R.Nishida, T.suhara and H.Nishihara: "Wavelength-selective coupling between vertically integrated thin-film waveguides via supermode bi a pair of grating couplers,” IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 678-680, 2001. |
Papers |
T. Suhara, "Wavelength conversion and ultrafast signal
processing using periodically domain-inverted LiNbO3 waveguides,"
(Invited Paper) IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting, TuCC3, pp. 364-365, San Diego,
Nov. 12-15, 2001.
K. Shio, D. Sato, T. Morita, M. Fujimura and T. Suhara, "Design and
fabrication of LiNbO3 waveguide QPM-DFG wavelength converter for 1.5mm
8th Microoptics Conference (MOC'01), L6, Osaka, Oct. 24-26, 2001.
H. Ishizuki and T. Suhara, "LiNbO3 waveguide quasi-phase matched sum-frequency
generation interferometer device for ultrafast optical switching,"
8th Microoptics Conference (MOC'01), L4, Osaka, Oct. 24-26, 2001.
M. Fujimura, Y. Tamura, T. Kodama and T. Suhara, "Fabrication and
characterizaion of Er-diffused Ti:LiNbO3 waveguide laser," 8th Microoptics
Conference (MOC'01), H18, Osaka, Oct. 24-26, 2001.
Y. Shigematsu, M. Fujimura and T. Suhara, "Fabrication of LiNbO3 TE/TM
waveguides for 1.5m wavelength band by Zn/Ni diffusion in low-pressure
atmosphere," 8th Microoptics Conference (MOC'01), H7, Osaka, Oct.
24-26, 2001.
N. Shimada, T. Issiki, M. Uemukai, T. Suhara, and A. Larson, "InGaAs/AlGaAs
quantum well DBR laser using curved grating in selectively disordered region,"
8th Microoptics Conference (MOC'01), D3, Osaka, Oct. 24-26, 2001.
K. Yutani, Y. Kunoh, M. Uemukai, N. Shimada and T. Suhara, "Tunable
external-cavity quantum-well laser using grating coupler integrated in
selectively disordered waveguide," 8th Microoptics Conference (MOC'01),
D2, Osaka, Oct. 24-26, 2001.
M. Fujimura, H. Ishizuki, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara: "Quasi-phasematched
wavelength conversion in Zn-diffused LiNbO3 waveguides," Pacific Rim
Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/PR'01), ME1-5, Tech. Digest vol.
I, pp. I96-97, Makuhari, July 15-19, 2001.
T. Suhara, "LiNbO3 waveguide nonlinear-optic wavelength converters
for applications to wideband signal processing (Invited paper)," Pacific
Rim Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/PR'01), ME1-1, Tech. Digest vol.
I, pp. I88-89, Makuhari, July 15-19, 2001.
M. Fujimura, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "QPM self-frequency-doubling
waveguide laser in Nd:LiNbO3," Int. Workshop Periodically Microstructured
Nonlinear Optical Materials, El Escorial (Madrid), June 10-13, 2001. |
Publication 2000
International papers Only |
Papers |
M. Uemukai, T. Suhara, K. Yutani, N. Shimada, Y. Fukumoto, H. Nishihara, and A. Larsson, "Tunable external-cavity semiconductor laser using monolithically integrated tapered amplifier and grating coupler for collimation," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 12, no. 12, pp.1607-1609, 2000.
M. Fujimura, T. Kodama, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara: "Quasi-phase-matched self- frequency-doubling waveguide laser in Nd:LiNbO3," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 1513-1515, 2000.
N. Shimada, Y. Fukumoto, M. Uemukai, T. Suhara, H. Nishihara, and A. Larsson, "Selective disordering of InGaAs strained quantum well by rapid thermal annealing with SiO2 caps of different thicknesses for photonic integration," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 39, part 1, no. 10, pp. 5914-5915, 2000.
T. Suhara, T. Fujieda, M. Fujimura and H. Nishihara, “Fabrication of Zn:LiNbO3 waveguides by diffusing ZnO in low-pressure atmosphere,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol.39, part 2, no. 8B, pp. L864-L865, 2000.
K. R. Parameswaran, M. Fujimura, M. H. Chou and M. M. Fejer, "Low-power all-optical gate based on sum frequency mixing in APE waveguides in PPLN," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 654-656, 2000.
M. Fujimura, Yan Kim Shin and H. Nishihara, “CW laser oscillation in Z-cut Nd-diffused Ti:MgO:LiNbO3 waveguides,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 39, part 2, no. 4A, pp. L288-L290, 2000.
M. Uemukai, M. Miyata, N. Shimada, T. Suhara, H. Nishihara, N. Eriksson, P. Modh, and A. Larsson, "Monolithically integrated master oscillator power amplifier with grating coupler for collimated output beam," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 39, pt. 1, no. 3B, pp. 1503-1507, 2000.
S. Ura, T. Nakashiba, T. Suhara, H. Nishihara, and P. V. Lambeck, "Thermally-grown silicon-dioxide waveguides for use in UV light, " Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 39, no. 3B, pp. 1487-1489, 2000.
P. Modh, N. Eriksson, and A. Larsson, and T. Suhara, "Semiconductor laser with curved deep-etched distributed Bragg reflectors supporting a planar Gaussian mode," Opt. Lett., vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 108-110, 2000.
N. Shimada, M. Uemukai, T. Suhara, H. Nishihara, N. Eriksson, and A. Larsson, "Integrated distributed Bragg reflector laser with grating coupler for divergent spherical wave emission," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 39, pt. 1, no. 1, 2000. |
Conference Papers
M. Fujimura, K. Matsuda, T. Kodama and H. Nishihara, "Fabrication and Characterization of Er-thermally-diffused Ti:LiNbO3 Waveguide Lasers,” Proc. Japan-China Joint Meeting on Optical Fiber Science and Electromagnetic Theory (OFSET'00), pp. 384-387, Osaka, Dec. 2000.
T. Suhara, "Integrated photonic devices using quantum-well lasers and waveguide grating components," (Invited paper), Proc. Japan-China Joint Meeting on Optical Fiber Science and Electromagnetic Theory (OFSET'00), pp.183-186, Osaka, Dec.4-6, 2000.
M. Uemukai, T. Suhara, K. Yutani, N. Shimada, Y. Fukumoto, H. Nishihara, and A. Larsson, "Tunable external-cavity semiconductor laser using monolithically integrated tapered amplifier and grating coupler for collimating," IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conf. (ISLC'00), TuA-3, Monterey, CA, Sept. 2000.
N. Shimada, Y. Fukumoto, M. Uemukai, T. Suhara, H. Nishihara, and A. Larsson, "Selective disordering of InGaAs strained quantum well by rapid thermal annealing with SiO2 caps of different thicknesses for photonic integration," IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conf. (ISLC'00), WB-1, Monterey, CA, Sept. 2000.
M. Fujimura, T. Kodama, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara: "Self-frequency-doubling waveguide laser in Nd-diffused LiNbO3," Technical Digest Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals and Applications, WB27, pp.267-269, Hawaii, August 6-10, 2000.
S. Ura, T. Sasaki, and H. Nishihara, "A pair of gratings for color-splitting and imaging system," Diffractive Optics and Micro-Optics, DThD3, Canada, June 2000.
S. Ura, R. Nishida, T. Suhara, and H. Nishihara, "High-efficiency wavelength-selective coupling between separated thin film waveguides by a pair of grating couplers," International Topical Workshop on Comtemporary Photonic Technologies, Technical Digest, pp. 77-78, 2000. |
Publication 1999
International papers Only |
Papers |
T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Theoretical analysis of squeezed light generation and conversion by traveling-wave nonlinear-optic devices," Electronics and Communication in Japan, pt. 2, vol. 82, no. 12, pp. 48-56, 1999.
A. Larsson, N. Eriksson, S. Kristjansson, P. Modh, M. Uemukai, T.
Suhara and H.Nishihara, "Grating coupled surface emitters: integrated lasers, amplifiers, and beam shaping coutcouplers (invited paper)," SPIE Proc., vol. 3626, pp. 190-201, 1999.
S. Ura, Y. Honzawa, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Reflection-type multiorder grating lens for three ultraviolet wavelengths," Applied Optics, vol. 38, no. 14, pp. 3008-3011, 1999.
S. Ura, T. Fujii, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Efficiency-enhanced third-order grating coupler," Applied Optics, vol. 38, no. 14, pp. 3003-3007, 1999.
S. Ura, H. Moriguchi, S. Kido, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Switching of output coupling in a grating coupler by diffraction transition to the distributed Bragg reflector regime," Applied Optics, vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 2500-2503, 1999. |
Conference Papers
M. Uemukai, M. Miyata, N. Shimada, T. Suhara, H. Nishihara, N. Eriksson, P. Modh and A. Larsson, "Monolithically integrated master oscillator power amplifier with grating coupler for collimated output beam," 7th Microoptics Conference Technical Digest, pp. 272-275 (paper MG1), Chiba, July 14-16, 1999.
S. Ura, T. Nakashiba, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Thermally-grown silicon-dioxide waveguides for ultraviolet light," 7th Microoptics Conference Technical Digest, pp. 86-89 (paper ME1), Chiba, July 14-16, 1999.
T. Suhara, H. Ishizuki, M. Fujimura and H. Nishihara, "Waveguide quasi-phase-matched sum-frequency generation device for optical
sampling," European Conference Integrated Optics (ECIO '99), FrD2, pp. 501-504, Torino, Italy, April 14-16, 1999.
A. Larsson, N. Eriksson, S. Kristjansson, P. Modh, M. Uemukai, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Grating coupled surface emitters: integrated lasers, amplifiers, and beam shaping outcouplers (invited paper)," SPIE Photonic West 1999, Testing, Packaging, Reliability and Applications of Semiconductor Lasers IV, San Jose, California, Jan. 28, 1999. |
Publication 1998
International papers Only |
Papers |
M. Fujimura, H. Tsugawa, M. S. Khan, H. Nishihara and M. Haruna, "Nd-diffused Ti:LiNbO3 z-propagation waveguide Q-switched lasers," Electronics Letters, vol. 34, no. 13, pp. 1319-1320, 1998.
K. Kintaka, M. Fujimura, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Fabrication of ferroelectric-domain-inverted gratings in LiNbO3 by applying voltage using etched-Si stamper electrode," Electronics Letters, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 880-881, 1998.
S. Ura A. Sugimoto, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Integration of grating couplers in two-story waveguides for rotary displacement sensing," Applied Optics, vol. 37, no. 27, pp. 6345-6349, 1998.
M. Uemukai, A. Yoshimoto, T. Taniguchi, T. Suhara, H. Nishihara, T. Hirata, S. Iio and M. Suehiro, "Monolithic Integrated-Optic Sensors Using Waveguide Gratings and QW-DFB Laser," Electronics and Communications in Japan, part 2, vol. 81, no. 4, pp. 10-18, 1998.
M. Uemukai, N. Matsumoto, T. Suhara, H. Nishihara, N. Eriksson and A. Larsson, "Monolithically Integrated InGaAs-AlGaAs Master Oscillator Power Amplifier with Grating Outcoupler," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 1097-1099, 1998.
M. Fujimura, A. Shiratsuki, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Wavelength Conversion in LiNbO3 Waveguide Difference-Frequency Generation Devices with Domain-Inverted Gratings Fabricated by Voltage Application," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 37, Part 2, no. 6A, pp. L659-L662, 1998.
N. Eriksson, A. Larsson, M. Uemukai and T. Suhara, "Parabolic-confocal unstable resonator semiconductor lasers - modeling and experiments," IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 858-868, 1998.
A. Nakao, K. Fujita, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Electron-Beam Writing Fabrication of Periodic Structure for Quasi-Phase-Matching Second-Harmonic Generation in Dimethyl Nitrophenyl Pyrazole Crystal Waveguide," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 37, part 1, no. 3A, pp. 845-846, 1998.
S. Ura and S. J. Sheard, "A configuration for guided-wave excitation into a disposable integrated-optic head," Optics Communications, 146, pp. 85-89, 1998. |
Conference Papers |
S. Ura, R. Nishida, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Selective interconnection among vertically integrated three optical waveguides by grating couplers," Annual Meeting IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, GFC3, Conf.Proc. vol. 2, pp. 307-308, Dec. 1-4, 1998.
M. Fujimura, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Periodically domain-inverted LiNbO3 for waveguide quasi-phase-matched nonlinear-optic wavelength conversion devices (invited paper)," The 5th IUMRS (International Union of Material Research Societies) International Conference in Asia, H. Inv04, pp. 251-252, Bangalore, India, Oct. 13-16, 1998.
P. Modh, N. Eriksson, A. Larsson and T. Suhara, "Semiconductor laser with deep etched distributed Bragg reflectors supporting a planar Gaussian mode," IEEE 16th International Semiconductor Laser Conference (ISLC '98), WA2, pp. 209-210, Nara, Oct. 4-8, 1998.
M. Uemukai, N. Matsumoto, T. Suhara, H. Nishihara, N. Eriksson and A. Larsson, "Monolithically integrated InGaAs-AlGaAs master oscillator power amplifier with
grating outcoupler," IEEE 16th International Semiconductor Laser Conference (ISLC '98), TuE16, pp. 125-126, Nara, Oct. 4-8, 1998.
T. Suhara, "Monolithic integrated-optic devices using quantum-well lasers and grating components," 2nd Sweden-Japan Joint QNANO Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 16-18, 1998.
S. Ura, T. Fujii, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Grating Coupler utilizing third-order Diffraction," Diffractive Optics and Micro-Optics 1998 Technical Digest, DMD4, pp. 59-61, Kaulua-Kona, Hawaii, June 8-11, 1998.
N. Eriksson, S. Kristjansson, P. Modh, A. Larsson, M. Uemukai, A. Yoshimoto, N. Matsumoto, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Grating-coupled surface emitters with built-in beam control," 193rd Electrochemical Society Meeting, San Diego, May 3-8, 1998.
K. Kintaka, M. Fujimura, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Third harmonic generation of Nd:YAG laser light in periodically poled LiNbO3 waveguide," Nonlinear Guided Waves & Their Applications, NWD3, Optical Society of America Technical Digest vol. 5, pp. 57-59, April 1-3, 1998. |
Publication 1997
International papers Only |
Papers |
Q. Xing, S. Ura, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Contra-directional coupling between stacked waveguides using grating couplers," Optics Communications, 144, pp. 180-182, 1997.
M. Uemukai, A. Yoshimoto, N. Matsumoto, T. Suhara, H. Nishihara, N. Eriksson and A. Larsson, "InGaAs/AlGaAs distributed Bragg reflector lasers with curved surface gratings for monolithic integration," Electronics Letters, vol. 33, no. 17, pp. 1464-1465, 1997.
K. Kintaka, M. Fujimura, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Third harmonic generation of Nd:YAG laser light in periodically poled LiNbO3 waveguide," Electronics Letters, vol. 33, no. 17, pp. 1459-1460, 1997.
T. Suhara, M. Uemukai, A. Yoshimoto, N. Matsumoto, H. Nishihara, S. Iio, M. Suehiro and M. Wada, "Monolithic integration of QW-DFB laser master oscillator power amplifier and grating outcoupler," Electronics Letters, vol. 33, no. 14, pp. 1228-1229, 1997.
P. J. Masalkar, M. Fujimura, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Vapour phase proton-exchange: Technique for waveguide fabrication in LiNbO3," Electronics Letters, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 519-520, 1997. |
Conference Papers |
M. Fujimura, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Periodically-poled LiNbO3 waveguide devices for short-wave light generation (invited paper)," IEEE/LEOS 1997 Annual Meeting, MM1, pp. 108-109, San Francisco, Nov. 10-13, 1997.
M. Uemukai, A. Yoshimoto, N. Matsumoto, T. Suhara, H. Nishihara, N. Eriksson and A. Larsson, "InGaAs/AlGaAs distributed Bragg reflector lasers with curved surface gratings for monolithic integration," 6th Microoptics Conference and 14th Topical Meeting on Gradient-Index Optical Systems (MOC/GRIN '97), J3, pp. 286-289, Tokyo, Oct. 7-9, 1997.
S. Ura, H. Moriguchi, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Switching grating coupler by using diffraction transition into DBR regime," CLEO/Pacific Rim '97 Technical Digest, FT3, p. 300, Chiba, July 14-18, 1997.
M. Uemukai, A. Yoshimoto, N. Matsumoto, T. Suhara, H. Nishihara, S. Iio, M. Suehiro and M. Wada, "Monolithic integration of QW-DFB laser master oscillator power amplifier and grating outcoupler," CLEO/Pacific Rim '97 Technical Digest, FT2, Chiba, July 14-18, 1997.
M. Fujimura, P. J. Masalkar, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Vapor-phase proton-exchange: a new technique for waveguide fabrication in LiNbO3," CLEO/Pacific Rim '97 Technical Digest, FB3, Chiba, July 14-18, 1997.
Q. Xing, S. Ura, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Contra-directional coupling between stacked waveguides using grating couplers," 2nd Optoelectronics & Communications Conference (OECC '97) Technical Digest, 11B2-1, pp. 644-645, Seoul, Korea, July 8-11, 1997.
M. Fujimura, M. S. Khan, H. Tsugawa, M. Haruna and H. Nishihara, "CW and Q-sw laser oscillation in thermally Nd-diffused Z-propagation Ti:LiNbO3 waveguide," 2nd Optoelectronics & Communications Conference (OECC '97) Technical Digest, 9B1-2, pp. 114-115, Seoul, Korea, July 8-11, 1997.
S. Ura, A. Sugimoto, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Integration of grating couplers in two-story waveguides for rotary displacement sensing," 2nd Optoelectronics & Communications Conference (OECC '97) Technical Digest, 8B2-5, pp. 38-39, Seoul, Korea, July 8-11, 1997.
H. Nishihara, T. Suhara, M. Fujimura and K. Kintaka, "Integrated optic devices for second harmonic green/blue/ultraviolet light generation (Invited Paper)," 2nd Optoelectronics & Communications Conference (OECC '97) Technical Digest, 8B1-1, Seoul, Korea, July 8-11, 1997.
Publication 1996
International papers Only |
Papers |
M. Fujimura, M. Sudoh, K. Kintaka, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Resonant Waveguide Quasi-Phase-Matched SHG Devices with Electrooptic Phase-Modulator for Tuning," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 396-400, 1996.
M. Li, J. Bengtsson, M. Hagberg, A. Larsson and T. Suhara, "Off-plane computer-generated waveguide hologram," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 226-235, 1996.
K. Kintaka, M. Fujimura, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Efficient ultraviolet light generation by LiNbO3 waveguide first-order quasi-phase-matched second-harmonic generation devices," Electronics Letters, vol. 32, no. 24, pp. 2237-2238, 1996.
M. Fujimura, M.S. Khan, H. Tsugawa, M. Haruna, H. Nishihara, S. Ikunishi and T. Gozen (Mitsubishi Cable), "Thermally Nd-diffused Z-propagation Ti:LiNbO3 waveguide laser pumped by laser diode," Electronics Letters, vol. 32, no. 21, pp. 2003-2004, 1996.
S. Ura, T. Endoh, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Integrated optic head for sensing a two-dimensional displacement of a grating scale," Applied Optics, vol. 35, no. 31, pp. 6261-6266, 1996.
M. Fujimura, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Theoretical Analysis of Resonant Waveguide Optical Second Harmonic Generation Devices," Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 1899-1906, 1996.
M. Fujimura, M. Sudoh, K. Kintaka, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Enhancement of SHG efficiency in periodically poled LiNbO3 waveguide utilizing a resonance effect," Electronics Letters, vol. 32, no. 14, pp. 1283-1284, 1996.
T. Suhara, M. Fujimura, K. Kintaka, H. Nishihara, P. Kurz and T. Mukai (NTT), "Theoretical Analysis of Squeezed-Light Generation by Second-Harmonic Generation," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 690-700, 1996.
K. Kintaka, M. Fujimura, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "High Efficiency LiNbO3 Waveguide Second-Harmonic Generation Devices with Ferroelectric-Domain-Inverted Gratings Fabricated by Applying Voltage," Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 462-468, 1996.
T. Suhara, T. Taniguchi, M. Uemukai, A. Yoshimoto, H. Nishihara, T. Hirata, S. Iio and M. Suehiro (Yokogawa Electric Corp.), "Monolithic Integration of Waveguide Gratings and Quantum-Well Distributed-Feedback Laser for Implementation of Subminiature Optical-Disc Pickup Head," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 35, part 1, no. 1B, pp. 369-371, 1996. |
Conference Papers |
T. Suhara, "Integrated-optic disc pickup devices: hybrid to monolithic integration (Invited Paper)," Tech. Digest of International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage (ISOM/ODS '96), pp. 284-286, OThA1, Maui, Hawaii, July 8-12, 1996.
K. Kintaka, M. Fujimura, T. Suhara and H. Nishihara, "Efficient ultraviolet light generation by LiNbO3 waveguide quasi-phase-matched second-harmonic generation devices," Tech. Digest of Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals and Applications, NMC2, pp. 13-15, Maui, Hawaii, July 8-12, 1996.